Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum, there’s some GIANT fun coming to New-um! This Christmas, Yellow Kangaroo Productions and Applecart Arts presents Jack and the Beanstalk, the story of Jack, Jill and their giant adventure. Join them as they trade their beloved cow for some magic beans, and get far more than they bargained for.
Once upon a time, there was a quaint little village called East Ham, that was being terrorised from above. As the evil, greedy giant and her henchman Fleshcreep loom over the village, Jack, Jill and the gang need to come up with some rent money, and fast!
With the helping hand of a friendly fairy farmer, can they save their beloved cow, and rid the village of its enormous landlord? Or will they have to live forever under Fleshcreep’s horrible hypnosis?
Expect riotous laughs, a few familiar tunes, and more enchanting magic than just a few beans as Yellow Kangaroo Productions and Applecart Arts presents Jack and the Beanstalk, the story of Jack, Jill and their giant adventure, at the Applecart Theatre this Christmas. There’s no better way to get into the festive spirit, so grab your tickets now to be a part of Newham’s very own Pantomime!
Tickets available:
Pay Less: £10
Standard: £12.50
Pay More: £15
Applecart Arts operate a Pay Less/Standard/Pay More system in order to support those who may not be able to afford a Standard price ticket but do not qualify for a concession rate. If you are able to, by purchasing a Pay More ticket you are supporting the show and making it possible for everyone to see it.
Please note: Tickets must be purchased per person attending the show, regardless of their age!
Running time: 2 hours and 10 minutes including a 20 minute interval
Warning: This performance includes loud music and bright flashing lights. Latecomers may not be admitted.