I.D.S.T. - Voila Festival
I.D.S.T. - Voila Festival
Coming Soon
In The Theatre
November 19th - November 23rd 2024
Suitable for ages 12+

Tell me what you see. A detail that is not poetic. It isn’t about pretending. Every word I say is a promise. Why did you come here?

I.D.S.T. is a theatrical exploration of a symbiotic relationship in a unique liminal space, where two characters navigate games, rules, and memories to uncover the essence of humanity. It's a physical journey delving into truth and the depths of personal experience.

We don’t speak about a memory as if it were something that could be changed. If Destroyed Still True.

Tickets from £12.50
Running time: 55 minutes, no interval
Suitable for ages 12+
Mild language

This show is part of Voila Theatre Festival at Applecart Arts. See what else is on here!

Cast List
Jake Walton (He/Him) Devisor/Performer

Jake Walton is a northern working-class theatre maker, actor and producer. He has performed internationally across various locations ranging from an alleyway of a street festival to the Olivier stage at The National Theatre.

His main body of work has been with an award-winning company he founded, Powder Keg (2013-2021) as a devisor, writer, performer and producer. He has also had close experience collaborating, performing and working with companies and organisations Good Cop Bad Cop, Señor Serrano, Gabrielle Moleta, Lancaster Arts and Art Council England. He is passionate about creating thought provoking work heavily influenced by European contemporary practices that reflect a universal human experience to remain current and on the pulse of today’s audiences.

Ludovica Tagariello (She/Her) Devisor/Performer

Ludovica Tagariello is an Italian actor, theatre maker, movement artist, and designer based in London. She graduated in Drama and Physical Theatre in Milano at ‘Quelli di Grock -Scuola di Teatro’. She got her BA in Fashion Design from ‘Raffles Milano – International Design Institute’. She just completed her MA in Theatre Lab at RADA ‘Royal Academy of Dramatic Art’ in London.

She is one of the founding members of the theatre collective ‘Alot Teatro’ based in Milano.

Ludovica’s craft has a multidisciplinary approach deeply rooted in the exploration of the body and its transformative qualities. Her work involves a specific attention to the details of language and the extraordinary life of ordinary action. Her craft is strongly influenced by her encounters with the company Teatr Zar based at the Grotowski institute of Wroclaw, and with Jan Fabre’s work at the Troubleyn Laboratorium in Antwerp.

Book Tickets

You can book tickets by clicking on the link below.

I.D.S.T. - Voila Festival