Hidden Stories
Hidden Stories
Past Performance
In The Theatre
May 17th - May 19th 2023
Suitable for ages 16+

Has the British Justice System failed women? Two new and powerful playlets uncover the true stories of Ruth Ellis and Edith Thompson hanged and executed for murder and looks at the severe miscarriage of justice created by the English legal system.

Now You See Me - Ruth Ellis was the last woman to be hanged in England in 1955. She admitted to the murder of her lover David Blakely - a violent and controlling man who caused Ruth to miscarry days before his death. A male friend gave Ruth a gun and showed her how to use it. He was never questioned. Darlint Peidi - Edith Thompson was executed in 1923 alongside her young lover Frederick Bywaters. She apparently knew nothing of the plan to murder her husband. Bywaters always maintained he acted alone, but Thompson was older and seen as an immoral seducer. Was she executed for adultery rather than murder? Supported by Arts Council England.

Content Warnings: The performance contains some sexual language and mild swear words