Cry for Me
Cry for Me
Past Performance
In The Theatre
August 31st - September 2nd 2023
Recommended ages 14+

Set in a not too implausible future where crying is just one more type of labour that can be outsourced to a cheap migrant workforce, Cry for me draws on Romanian traditions of wailing. Babele bocitoare (buh-beh-leh bow-chi-twa-reh) are Romanian professional mourners: older women who go to funerals to cry for the deceased and their family. Like rappers, they improvise lyrics to music on the spot.

Fresh from their work-in-progress showing at Camden People's Theatre in June as part of the Calm Down Dear Festival curated by RashDash, the babe (buh-beh) are in London for three more nights and they want to work for YOU.

A cabaret about the act of crying as a social duty and a form of resilience, where no suffering is required!

Generously supported by Camden People's Theatre and Polish Migrants Organise for Change. POMOC (@polishmigrantsorganise) is a grassroots political home for Eastern European migrant women and gender nonconforming people living in the UK to organise together towards dignity, power and justice.

Photography by Santiago Lago.

31st August - 2nd September 2023 at 7.45pm
Tickets £10/£12.50/£15
Running time of 60 minutes with no interval