Janet tells the story of the residents in a block of flats and was inspired by living on the Maiden Lane Estate, Kings Cross. It focuses on the story of a young woman – “Janet” who is represented by a lump of uncooked bread dough.
Join us for an emotional, high-energy, poetically performed tragi-comedy, celebrating the life of Janet, an ordinary woman who dreams for something else beyond the inevitable and conventional.
Janet is a show for anyone who has tried to defy destiny or go against the grain in everyday life; for those who love to play with their food and especially for those who enjoy a well baked loaf of bread! A very human story told by objects with a dark comic edge – a mix of Monty Python and Emmerdale, plus a pinch of B-Movie Horror.
The production is influenced by Scottish author Ali Smith’s book Artful and also a short story – “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and uses unusual puppetry techniques to tell the story.
10th September 2023 at 5.30pm
Running time: 40 minutes
Suitable for ages 14+
Tickets free as part of FeastFest
Contains scenes of a sexual nature